The Definitive Guide to the Future of Workplaces - Everywhere

The Definitive Guide to the Future of Workplaces - Everywhere

Imagine standing on a stage that opens up to the forward-thinking visions of over 80 top executives and thought leaders from diverse industries and professions.

This isn't just about a singular vision; it's a portal to a universe of enlightening and innovative perspectives.

Now imagine that this stage was not limited to one or two perspectives but hundreds, all collated and distilled into a series of comprehensive books.

This is eactly what you get with the Be a Workplace of the Future Now series.

Here's why this series isn’t just another stack of books but your ticket to creating the workplace of the future — today:

  1. Uniformity Breeds Depth: While most research varies its questions, we have a consistent method. By asking everyone the same six core questions, we've curated not just answers but a fascinating and wide variety of perspectives. Think of it as looking at a gem from different angles, each revealing a unique brilliance.
  2. It’s Not About Reading, It’s About Evolving: The questions posed aren’t just for our interviewees; they’re for you too. What patterns and possibilities do you discern for yourself as you navigate through the insights? What new perspectives do the questions create for you? This isn't passive reading; it's active self-exploration.
  3. A Living Research Project: Beyond mere interviews, this series is an ever-growing research endeavor. Each conversation feeds our knowledge base, allowing us to identify consistent threads, intriguing insights, and cross-industry synergies.
  4. Actionable Intelligence Over Mere Information: We’ve meticulously analyzed every conversation to distill the 13 most potent insights for you. And these aren’t just academic musings; they’re the most intriguing insights and actionable strategies that have the power to transform minds and workplaces.
  5. Global Conversations, Collective Progress: The magic of this series lies in the synergy it ignites. Companies and consultants globally have employed our material as catalysts for their own workplace metamorphosis.
  6. Endorsements That Speak Volumes: Thought leaders and business magnates, like Jim Haudan, Chairman and Co-founder at Root, Inc., John Bell, CEO (Retired) at Jacobs Suchard, and the late Judith Glaser, Founder at Creating We, stand testament to the value these books bring. It's more than just reading; it's a movement towards human-centric workplaces that perpetually seek to innovate.

From Jim Haudan, Chairman & Co-founder at Root, Inc. —

“Thank you for pushing the critical thinking and the practical actions that lead to human-centered workplaces that inspire all of us to be in the constant pursuit of finding better ways!”

From Gwen Kinsey, Former General Manager and Coach at —

"Bill Fox has curated a robust trove of insights and thought leadership aimed at future-proofing your organization. I’m honored to have been included in his book, “The Future of the Workplace”. If preparing for the future interests you, Bill is assembling a community of leaders to explore what it takes."

From Dianne Collins, Bestselling Author of Do You Quantum Think? —

"Congratulations!! on a brilliant book that I know has come from real-life experiences of experts in the workplace — enhanced by your unique ability to synthesize, distinguish, and expand on as practical wisdom. What an important work this is — as the Future is literally here now." — Dianne Collins, Do You Quantum Think?

And from John Bell, Author of Do Less Better, and Distinguished CEO (Retired) at Jacobs Suchard —

"So much leadership and cultural value all in one book."

The Be a Future of the Workplace Now Series is available for the Kindle and paperback on Amazon.

How to Get the Series for Free

For a limited time, you can get the entire Be a Workplace of the Future Now series in paperback for free when you sign up for a yearly Professional membership at Forward Thinking Workplaces.

This package is a $76 value and a great savings. This is a limited-time offer that ends on October 31, 2023.

In addition to the book series, you can attend the monthly LeaderONE Workplace workshop and all other workshops.

Modeled after our very successful LeaderONE Leader workshops, you will gather monthly with other professionals to expand your personal and professional perspectives and capacities.

Our LeaderONE Workshops are more than just a learning experience. They are a journey of transformation and enlightenment.

So, are you ready to unlock your role in creating the great workplaces of the future — today?

Join us, and let's co-create the future – one insight, conversation, and innovation at a time.

— Bill

Bill Fox, Founder @ LeaderONE, SpaceB, and Forward Thinking Workplaces

P. S. Please don't hesitate to email or schedule a 20-minute call with me if you have questions or would like to explore private sessions for your team or organization.